21. 1. 2022

LC DISTRICTS Regional Action Plan for the Zlín Region

LC DISTRICTS Regional Action Plan for the Zlín Region

The elaboration of the Action Plan for the Support of Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings in the Zlín Region was a key activity of the first phase of the international LC DISTRICTS project.

The elaboration of the action plan for the Zlín Region was based on a participatory approach with the involvement of representatives of the Zlín Region, towns and municipalities of the Zlín Region and other local and regional important and relevant stakeholders. The key stakeholders at the national level were, for example, members of the OP Environment Monitoring Committee from the National Network of Local Action Groups or from  the State Environmental Fund administering OP Environment. All stakeholders are directly or indirectly involved in building renovation and energy-efficient building activities, the creation and renovation of district heating and other urban renewal actions in the regions.

The aim of the Interreg Europe program and our LC DISTRICTS project is to implement a regional action plan with the aim of improving the national strategic instrument - the Operational Program Environment. The specific area on which the project focuses and for which it aims to optimize the use of public funds is listed in the OPE 2014–2020 program under priority 5.1 - Decrease the energy demand of public buildings and increase the use of renewable energy sources. The aim of the measure is buildings with a high potential for cost-effective solutions.

Regional Action Alan to promote energy efficiency in public buildings to download: